A Caccia con Buccio
Come si gioca:
La mappa e il regolamento
- età da 9 a… 99.
- da fare all’aperto, preferibilmente con e-bike o altre modalità sostenibili (pattini, monopattini, “tacco e sola”).
- da fare possibilmente organizzati in squadre, con la presenza di un “direttore del gioco”.
P.S.: è ammesso chiedere aiuto ai passanti.
- Ritrovarsi con gli altri giocatori a piazza Duomo.
- Il direttore del gioco consegnerà ad ogni squadra la mappa del tesoro e il regolamento con gli indizi/indovinelli.
- Risolto il primo indovinello, ogni squadra dovrà raggiungere tutte le tappe della mappa risolvendone i relativi enigmi. Le tappe non possono essere raggiunte in ordine sparso; ogni tappa sarà validata dal direttore di gara.
- Tutti gli indovinelli riportano una lettera che servirà per scoprire la parola segreta che darà diritto a ricevere “il tesoro”.
- Consiglio: ogni squadra può rendersi riconoscibile in qualche modo: maglie dello stesso colore, cappellini, polsini colorati… In questo modo sarà più facile riconoscere i membri della propria squadra evitando così di aiutare gli avversari!.
Hunting with Buccio
“Riddle hunt with Buccio di Ranallo” is a treasure hunt developed in urban spaces within the ancient city walls. Created to provide an enriching, playful and funny experience. Spaces and “objects” in the city are used to create interarcions with the players who are catapulted to the centre of the game scene.
Focusing on the territory and its promotion it aims to create experiences mixing the cultural-historical world represented by Buccio di Ranallo with the innovative reality of a new smart city, although in an embrionic phase. The “game map” is nothing but the city itself or a part of it, whose stages allow participants to admire old monuments and to learn about some of the projects (5G, Smart Tunnel, Smart Greed, CUIM,…) implemented following the 2009 post-earthquake reconstruction in order to achieve a sustainable city. Players move between different places in the city solving puzzles, discovering squares and monuments in a completely new way.
This tresure hunt is suitable for “children” from 9 to 99 years of age. It is designed for two or more teams and is organised within the ancient city walls. It consists of correctly answering some rhyming riddles, according to the style of the Poet and writer from L’Aquila, which in turn invite to seek a place where a new ticket containing another riddle is hidden.
- Ages from 9 to… 99.
- To do outdoors, preferably by e-bike or other sustainable modes (skate, kick scooter, “heel and sole”).
- Possibly organised in teams, with the presence of a game director.
P.S.: it is allowed to ask for help from passers-by.
- Meeting up with other players in the Duomo Square.
- The game director will give each team the treasure map with the rules and the clues/riddles.
- Once the first riddle is solved, each team must reach all stages of the map and solve the puzzles referred. Stages cannot be reached in any particular order, each stage being validated by the race director.
- All riddles carry a letter that will be used to find out the secret word which will give the right to receive the “treasure”.
Advice: each team can make itself recognisable in some way: shirts in the same colour, caps, cuffs with coloured fabric pieces. This will make it easier to recognise your own team members thus avoiding to help your opponents!.